Jennifer Carr is a mother of three children who attend Clark County Schools, and she understands that when public funds are taken away from public schools and used to fund vouchers for private schools, all children suffer. She has seen firsthand how new investments in Zoom schools help all kids. Zoom school funding is targeted at high poverty elementary schools and elementary schools with a large number of English Learners. Paradise Elementary School is on the UNLV campus, where Jennifer works. Her son, who is special needs, benefitted from Zoom school reading center tutoring. He is now reading at grade level. 

Jennifer Carr writes, “We know the importance of public education to Nevada. The public schools prepare our children, regardless of their backgrounds and zip code, to become productive citizens that will make a positive contribution to our future.  Weakening public education weakens us all. That’s why I’m proud to be a part of the parents’ lawsuit against vouchers.”